Product Review: ON2Percussion Drum Slips


Recently Oak Ridge Percussion and the Colborne PS Drumline (who share equipment) purchased drum slips from ON2Percussion. ON2Percussion is a manufacturer and distributor of drum slips which precisely wrap around the hardware of marching percussion instruments in order to instantly change the design and colour of a drum.


The drum slips are available for snare, tenor and bass drums for most major brands. The pre-cut lugholes allow for the slips to fit right on to existing drum shells. Wrapping a drum takes slightly longer than changing heads and the drum slips adhere to themselves using a strip of tape so they will not damage the original finish of the drum in any way.  ON2Percussion boasts over 250 stock designs as well as the option for varying levels of customization at an affordable cost.

Our drum slips shipped within 2 weeks of order and arrived rolled up in a deceivingly small box. Our drum slips fit very precisely but with still a little wiggle room that allowed us to make minute adjustments as needed. We look forward to displaying our new look during the Canadian Drumline Association`s upcoming season.

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