On Thursday, October 29th, the St. Marcellinus Drumline performed for His Royal Highness (HRH) the Earl of Wessex at the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Forum 2015. Under the direction of teacher and Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award alumna Alexandra Zullo, the Drumline performed a selection of pieces specially composed for the evening by their director, Ms. Zullo. The event took place at the Royal York Hotel and showcased the talents of many Award achievers and participants. Among the attendees at the multicultural dinner were HRH the Earl of Wessex, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, and 250 international delegates, trustees, and award recipients as well as a few invited guests. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is open to youth from around the globe and promotes individual improvement and achievement in various aspects such as physical recreation, service, skill development and a residential project and adventurous journey. The St. Marcellinus Drumline can be followed on Twitter @StMarcellinusDL.